Engagement in social justice, charity and integral ecology provides students with an encounter of the Gospel in action. This faith formation enables a connection with the Catholic tradition and responsiveness to mission, particularly to those in poor, unjust and marginalised circumstances. 

Examples include:
Mini Vinnies 
Mini Vinnies encourages and empowers primary school age students to advocate within their school and local community by putting their values into action.  They learn about social justice issues, develop leadership skills and engage with the wider St Vincent de Paul Society.  
Mercy Girls in Action
The goal of the Mercy Action Program is to involve students in activities that give immediate and practical support to disadvantaged groups and in this we are inspired by the words of Catherine McAuley, founder of the Sisters of Mercy who said: “The poor need help today, not next week.”   
A variety of Mercy Groups operate. The activities offer age-appropriate avenues to explore the works of Mercy and encourage both head and heart engagement.  
Caritas and Project Compassion and Just Leadership Days
Through Caritas and Project Compassion, all are encouraged to understand the needs of others.  
Caritas support Just Leadership Days which aim to:  
•  Identify local, national and global issues of justice.  
•  Actively engage students in a process that helps them recognise they have the resources, the power and the responsibility to work for change.  
•  Identify what constitutes good leadership and why it’s important to be a leader in this domain.  
•  Explore the qualities of leadership through the lens of Catholic Social Teaching.  
Christian Service learning  
Christian service learning is a key component of many student formation programs. Schools endeavour to provide opportunities for service learning at home, in the parish, in the local community and through a range of Catholic agencies. Such programs endeavour to actively support and coordinate these initiatives, such programs are often a point of connection with the charism of their founders.