• Leaven

    Any agent used to make dough rise. This can be yeast but can also be fermented dough from a previous batch.
  • Literary criticism

    Critical study of a Biblical text as a work of literature, considering its style, structure and distinctive language and literary forms.
  • Literary form

    Particular different kinds of writing. The reader must be aware of the type of writing or literary form being used when reading the Bible, eg, creation myths, letters, poetry, song, allegory, satire, parable etcetera, in order to understand what meaning the writer intended to express.

  • Liturgy

    From Greek for “public work”, it is the set of rituals through which the Church “officially” celebrates Christ’s on-going presence with his people and through which, led by Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, God’s people give glory to God the Father.

  • Liturgy of the Hours

    The Liturgy of the Hours, also known as the Divine Office, is the daily prayer of the Church, marking specific  hours each day and sanctifying the day with prayer. It  consists of Scripture readings and prayers. 

  • Luke (Gospel of)

    The longest of the four Gospels, it is a testimony of faith in the person, life, teachings, death and resurrection of Jesus, directed to a Gentile Christian community in the Roman Empire after 80AD. It appears to be the first of a two- part work with The Acts of the Apostles being its sequel. Luke’s Gospel has journeying as a major theme  Like Matthew’s Gospel, Luke’s is thought to draw heavily for much of its content on Mark’s Gospel and a lost source document scholars call Q. 

    For more information please see the Gospel of Luke.