A federal election and national conference set the stage for an exciting year ahead
Collaboration key to a year of progress on our national priorities
Responding to the teacher shortage
Empowering students through careers programs
Valuing teacher voices on World Teachers’ Day 2024
National gathering of Catholic education leaders highlights collaboration
Catholic education brings leaders and politicians together
Addressing equity challenges in rural, regional and remote education
Years 7 and 8 Mastery in Mathematics program to extend to Year 9 curriculum resources
A formative encounter with God’s mission at national formation gathering
One year to go to our 2025 Australian Catholic Education Conference
Better and Fairer Schools Agreement tied to reforms for improvement
Good Sams women’s mentoring program has supported Catherine McAuley’s Rebel Clark to become a more authentic leader
Celebrating Catholic education as communities of faith, hope and love
Friendly forum to build relationships between parliamentarians and faith groups
National formation gathering to foster a renewed focus
Reflecting on our progress and achievements across Catholic education
Integrating the Global Compact on Education into the school’s educational project