For the past year, the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) has been working with Ochre Education and a number of Catholic dioceses to deliver mathematics resources as part of our Excellence strategic priority to support the continual improvement of educational outcomes for all students.

I am pleased to announce that the Term 4 resources for Years 7 and 8 Mastery in Mathematics (MiM) program have now been released. The resources are aligned to the Australian Curriculum V9.0, the NSW Syllabus and the Victorian Curriculum V2.0 and complete the creation of a full year’s worth of teaching resources, including curriculum mapping, lesson plans, assessments, and additional resources to support intervention for students who have gaps in foundational numeracy skills.

Additionally, the NCEC has approved an extension of the MiM project to develop Year 9 mathematics teaching resources, following the significant interest and positive feedback from teachers accessing the Year 7 and 8 resources this year.  

At a time when almost all education jurisdictions are implementing new curricula, these resources offer significant evidence-based support to enable teachers and school leaders to engage all students for success. 

While this initiative is funded and led by the Catholic education sector, resources have also been made available to teachers across all sectors via access from Ochre’s website. MiM aims to lift our national numeracy skills, capabilities and outcomes, and there has been strong interest in these resources from across the Catholic, independent and government sectors. 

This project is only made possible through the strength of our partnerships with a number of Catholic dioceses including Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools, Catholic Education South Australia, Catholic Education Canberra & Goulburn, the Catholic Education Office, Sandhurst and Catholic Schools Parramatta Diocese.

If you would like to be involved in the Year 9 MiM project, please contact our director of strategy Anna Howarth via email.

Catholic Education Leaders gathering

Next week, the NCEC is hosting our annual Catholic Education Leaders gathering from 10-12 September in Canberra with a Parliamentary Reception and forum.

The event will include around 80 leaders including NCEC Commissioners, chairs and directors of State and Territory Catholic education authorities and Catholic diocesan systems, representatives of Religious Institute & Ministerial Public Juridic Person school authorities; Catholic School Parents Australia and Catholic School Primary Principals and Secondary Principals Associations.

The forum is an opportunity for Catholic education leaders to focus on the progress of our national priorities – Faith, Excellence and Access. We look forward to welcoming the Minister for Education Jason Clare MP, the Shadow Minister for Education Senator Sarah Henderson, as well as a range of speakers and presenters. 

This is an important opportunity to engage with our Catholic colleagues across the country and to showcase the value and contribution of Catholic education with politicians and policy makers. 

Jacinta Collins
National Catholic education executive director