The National Catholic Education Commission engaged Ochre Education to deliver a full year’s worth of high-quality, evidence-based and adaptable teaching resources for Years 7 and 8 mathematics teachers in Catholic schools. The final Stage 4 was released on 30 August, completing the creation of a full year’s worth of teaching resources of each year of Stage 4.

The Mastery in Mathematics (MiM) project delivers around 240 lessons which embed high-impact teaching practices, as well as resources to support intervention for students who have gaps in foundational numeracy skills. Resources are mapped to the Australian Curriculum Version 9.0, the NSW Syllabus, and the Victorian Curriculum version 2.0.

The MiM user guide is an easy to follow six step guide:

  1. Go to the curriculum of your choice
  2. Download yearly overview and unit overview
  3. Download supporting curriculum resources
  4. Download unit plans
  5. Download and adapt lesson resources
  6. Download daily review materials and sample assessments

There is also information on accessing ongoing professional learning support on use of materials, pedagogy and subject content, including implementation guides for teachers and leaders, a suite of on-demand videos, and webinars. We recommend accessing the professional learning support throughout the planning, teaching and evaluation stages of each unit.

Access MiM resources (link to


Mastery in Mathematics User Guide

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