Proposed reforms to discrimination legislation would make it impossible for Catholic schools to be Catholic
Cuts to HELP debt for Australia’s most remote teachers an important move
Catholic education welcomes holistic review of education including the National School Reform Agreement
National Teacher Workforce Action Plan to focus on immediate and future teacher workforce needs
Final report of the Quality Initial Teacher Education Review – an important step forward
Teaching students to work in Catholic schools to address the COVID-19 teacher shortage and plan for future workforce needs
NCEC congratulates Eva Skira AM on appointment to CECWA
New Commissioner a positive step for regional education says Catholic sector
Suggested levy on Catholic school families has no support
Appointment of Commissioners to the National Catholic Education Commission and Chair of the Faith Formation & Religious Education Standing Committee
Role of parents and families highlighted during the bicentenary of Catholic education in Australia
National Mass to celebrate the bicentenary of Catholic education in Australia on 24 May 2021
Sally Egan appointed as Deputy Director of National Catholic Education
Australian Catholic education virtual symposium to focus on school improvement and supporting disadvantaged students
Melbourne Catholic schools’ approach looks to the future
It’s time to register for the Faith in the Future Virtual Symposium
ABC ‘analysis’ gets it wrong on Catholic school funding National Catholic Education chief says
Catholic Education supports Government plans to amend the Copyright Act to protect teachers and parents