At the start of this year, I highlighted the work ahead for the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC). As we head towards the end of the year, I thought it would be timely to reflect on what has been achieved and note that our progress is only possible through the positive cooperation and collaboration with our bishops, state, territory and diocesan bodies, Religious Institute and Ministerial Public Juridic Person (RIMPJP) school authorities, our school leaders and staff, parent representative bodies, principal associations, and the many individuals who serve on our national standing committees, networks, and working groups.
Our strategic focus on collaboration and accountability is bearing fruit with a growing understanding and commitment to our national strategic priorities from all involved in Catholic education. Our progress is a testament to our collective purpose and shared mission.
Among this year’s achievements, we have:
Our work in the advocacy space has been significant this year, highlighted by the Catholic Education Leaders Forum. This national gathering brought together Catholic education leaders from across the country to engage with Ministers, Members of Parliament and Senators to address pressing issues for our school communities, such as equity in school funding, national school reform, teacher workforce challenges, and the need for legislative clarity on religious freedom.
There have been many other achievements and ongoing work across our priorities including planning for the 2025 Australian Catholic Education Conference with host diocese Catholic Education, Diocese of Cairns.
On behalf of our commissioners and national office staff, I thank you for your contribution to this important work which supports our school communities and families.
May the Christmas season bring joy and renewal, and may the year ahead be filled many blessings in our shared mission. Together, we will build a stronger future for Catholic education in Australia.
Jacinta Collins
National Catholic education executive director