In 2015, the National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC) submitted a position paper on the Australian Government’s Taxation White Paper.

As an agency of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference (ACBC) the NCEC endorses the submission provided to the Tax White Paper Taskforce by the ACBC. The NCEC submission is intended to provide additional information specifically related to Catholic education.

Catholic education is concerned with the whole person, including the academic, personal, social and spiritual development of the student. A school is a non-profit partnership for the common good between government, parents and the community. It is not a business enterprise.

Education is more than a personal investment by families; it is a national investment for all Australian governments. The better educated a nation is, the more prosperous it is socially and economically. The NCEC has consistently held that all school income and expenditure which contributes to school-generated educational activities should be exempt from tax.


Submission Position paper on Taxation White Paper (June 2015)

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