Building on the success of our national forum for Catholic education leaders in Canberra in September, our planning is well underway for our national conference to be held in Cairns from Wednesday 20 August to Friday 22 August next year.

Working in partnership with host diocese, Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns (CEDC), the conference will bring together an anticipated 1,500 Catholic educators, leaders, clergy, parents and those from the broader Church involved in Catholic education. Under the theme, ‘hope, anchored in faith’, which is connected to the 2025 Jubilee Year theme, ‘pilgrims of hope’, the conference is an opportunity to engage in professional learning with a focus on the strategic vision and mission of Catholic education across three key areas – Faith, Excellence and Access.

The conference will feature a range of inspiring speakers, presentations and masterclasses. An abstract selection process will be launched later this month, with the opportunity to present in various areas including:       

  • Catholic identity, mission, and formation
  • Learning and teaching  
  • Leadership and governance
  • Parent, parish, and community engagement
  • Resourcing and infrastructure
  • Advocacy, marketing, and more! 

Catholic Education Diocese of Cairns has been partnering with Traditional Owners and Elders of the region to create Spirituality and In and On Country experiences as part of their work on Truth-telling, Healing and Reconciliation.

You are invited to join one of these experiences pre or post conference to deepen your understanding of First Nations Ways, connection to country and your role in truth-telling. 

See registration details here. We look forward to joining you in Cairns in 2025!